The company started its existence in 1988 as a purveyor of historic garden furnishings. Chandeliers and wall sconces today form a significant part of the company’s business and these goods are characterized by the attention and detailing that goes into their manufacturing and finishing. Currey & Company brings to the marketplace merchandise that not only speaks of the touch of the human hand, but also utilizes a myriad of natural materials. Hand forged iron products have long been the specialty of the company, but the range of materials has been extended to include a variety of materials such as hand-carved wood, porcelain and brass. “Currey International” has made it possible for the company to develop and produce a variety of unique hand made products and materials. One of these is concrete hand formed to create fashionable furnishings of “faux bois.” Seashells and other natural materials also figure strongly in the Currey & Company product line.
All Currey & Company's lighting products are designed and engineered to meet the rigid safety standards established by UNDERWRITER'S LABORATORY and bear the UL/CUI label (E141302 or E163523). This UL/CLUI safety certification is valid in the United States and Canada. Currey & Company lighting products can also be manufactured to meet lighting standards around the world, including the European Union, Middle East.